Community of Hope
A non-profit dedicated to supporting the needs of young moms and their babies. Our programs and services are designed to provide essential support, care, and resources so that you can give your child the best start in life. You are not alone - we are here for you every step of the way.

"Grounded in hope, Anchored in love"

"I had allot of issues back in forth with transportation and mental health, but the program helped me tremendously throughout the challenges I was facing with therapy and getting back on my medication." - Pacc Mom, age 17
"Some of the best things about the program is of course the baby items they helped me with. When I needed formula until my WIC appointments or baby clothes and toys for my baby. They even gave me period supplies, they were always there. My favorite though was "Tea Talk," the group sessions because because it’s nothing like talking out your problems without being judged." PACC Mom, age 16

Make a donation
Community of Hope's Hardship Fund allows our organization to meet the emergency needs of our teem moms that are not currently covered by grant funding. Your donations of $25.00 can purchase bottles, wipes and diapers. Your donation of $50 can purchase a new car seat or weekly bus pass. Your donation of $75 or more can purchase a crib, emergency hotel rent, monthly bus pass, maternity clothing and more.
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